05 December 2007

Security forces Break Cairo University Students Sit-in over Dorm Dismissals

Egyptian security forces ended on Wednesday a sit-in held by Cairo University students protesting at excluding colleagues from living in the university dormitory, The university dormitory administration sidelined 128 students from living in the dorm under claims that they have political activities and that they belong to the Muslim Brotherhood group . Sources familiar with the dismissed students confirmed that only 18 students of these 128 belong to the Muslim Brotherhood while they remainder have no political or student activities inside the university . This sit-in was first held about a week ago and was halted temporarily after the University President promised to solve their problem and help them live in the dorm. When the University Vice Chairman refused to fulfill this promise, the students resumed the sit-in again inside the campus of Cairo University until heavy central security and special forces ringed the campus. This made the students end their sit in fearing any risk threatening their lives, specially that these forces were ordered to end the sit-in using force. It is worth mentioning that these students has never found, since classes started two months ago, any place to live in .

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